Pelvic Prolapse Repair

Figure 1. Laparoscopic approach

For many women, prolapse can include descent of the uterus, vagina, 膀胱和/或直肠导致阴道内“鼓胀”的感觉. 在某些情况下,这些器官会明显突出. 盆腔器官脱垂可导致尿漏等症状, constipation, and difficulty with intercourse.


The Surgery


Figure 2A.Lower midline incision


In cases of pelvic organ prolapse, 阴道支撑松弛导致盆腔器官突出. 腹腔镜阴道悬吊术的目的是通过锁眼切口将阴道和相关盆腔器官悬吊起来. In certain circumstances, a simultaneous hysterectomy, bladder suspension, or rectocele repair may be required, 所有这些都可以通过阴道入路完成.

腹腔镜阴道悬吊术是约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心的一项完善的手术,在包括护士在内的经验丰富的专业腹腔镜手术团队的协助下进行, anesthesiologists, operating room technicians, many of whom you will meet the day of surgery.

Figure 2B. Pfannenstiel incision

腹腔镜悬吊术通过4个小锁眼(0.5-1 cm) incisions across the mid abdomen (Figure 1). 通过这些小切口,插入精细的腹腔镜器械进行解剖和缝合. 盆腔器官的优秀的可视化是实现了使用高倍率的望远镜镜头连接到一个相机设备, which is inserted into one of the keyhole incisions.

阴道和盆腔器官然后通过缝合和支撑网片或筋膜移植物的组合在内部重悬(图3)。. If needed, a bladder suspension, vaginal hysterectomy, 直肠前突的修复可以同时通过阴道切口完成. A Foley catheter (i.e. bladder catheter) is placed to drain the bladder. 在手术结束时也要放置阴道纱布填充物.

腹腔镜阴道悬吊术的手术时间长短因患者的内部解剖结构而异(3-5小时), shape of the pelvis, weight of the patient, 骨盆因感染或既往腹部/骨盆手术而出现疤痕或炎症.


Diagram of colposuspension with mesh graft

Figure 3. 腹腔镜阴道悬吊网片移植术矢状面示意图.

Potential Risks and Complications

尽管腹腔镜阴道悬吊术已被证明是非常安全的, 任何外科手术都有风险和潜在的并发症. Potential risks include:

  • Bleeding虽然与开放手术相比,该手术的出血量相对较低, 如果认为有必要,在手术期间或术后期间仍可能需要输血.

  • Infection: All patients are treated with intravenous antibiotics, 在手术开始前,减少泌尿道内或切口处发生感染的机会.

  • Adjacent Tissue / Organ Injury: Although uncommon, 可能对周围组织和器官造成伤害,包括肠道, vascular structures, pelvic musculature, and nerves could require further procedures. 在手术过程中,与患者体位有关的短暂性神经或肌肉损伤也可能发生.

  • Hernia由于所有锁眼切口在腹腔镜直视下都是闭合的,因此很少发生切口处的疝.

  • Conversion to Open Surgery如果在腹腔镜手术过程中遇到极大的困难,外科手术可能需要转换为标准的开放手术.g. excess scarring or bleeding). 这可能导致一个标准的开放切口和可能更长的恢复期.

  • Urinary Incontinence预先存在的尿失禁通常会在手术时用膀胱吊带悬挂来解决, however, minor incontinence may still exist, which typically resolves with time. On occasion, medication may be required.

  • Urinary Retention: As with urinary incontinence, 术后尿潴留是不常见的,通常存在于患者同时膀胱悬吊. 术后可能需要暂时的间歇性自我导尿.

  • Vesicovaginal fistula膀胱和阴道之间的瘘(异常连接)是任何涉及阴道的盆腔手术的罕见并发症, uterus, and bladder. 膀胱阴道瘘通常表现为阴道持续尿漏的症状. Although rare, 这些瘘管可以保守治疗或通过阴道切口进行手术修复.

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